Job diversity

Within its faculties, research institutes and support services, UCLouvain has 5,840 staff* spread over seven campuses (Louvain-la-Neuve, Woluwe, Saint-Gilles, Namur, Mons, Tournai, Charleroi). Its great diversity of professions is in action every day.

This diversity makes it possible to collaborate with people who work in a wide variety of professions in the fields of education, research, and administrative and technical support, and to evolve through this diversity.

For example, architects, social workers, lawyers, horticultural workers, professors, assistants, psychologists, technical project managers, accountants, administrative assistants, doctors, laboratory technicians, librarians, prevention advisors, engineers, researchers, electricians, student programme managers, computer scientists, superintendents, animal keepers, directors, programmers, research logisticians, service technicians, janitors and more work together to carry out the projects and missions entrusted to them. The diversity of profiles and the network of skills thus allow interactions that are sources of enrichment in a stimulating work environment.

* UCLouvain 2017-18 Annual Report.